什么是 Ping Tester?
Ping Tester是一个网络侦测工具(Diagnostics),可以使用在Windows Mobile来检查网络的联通性。
文本讲述了在.NET Compact Framework下ping功能的实现。 主要通过P/Invoke的方式调用ICMP相关的API来实现。 同时提供一个Windows Mobile的工具来调用Ping封装类。
Ping(Packet InterNet Groper)是一个网络诊断工具,他的工作原理就是 发送ICMP的“echo request” 数据包到目标主机,然后监听ICMP的“echo response”回应数据包。 Ping通过度量反应时间(round-trip time, RTT)和记录所有丢包情况等信息,产生一个统计报告。下面是我电脑ping博客园的例子,请大家看看本人的网络是如何的不可靠,生活在水深火热的中,写Blog常常断网。
C:\ > ping cnblogs.com Pinging cnblogs.com [ 222.92 . 117.56 ] with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out . Request timed out . Reply from 222.92 . 117.56 : bytes = 32 time = 360ms TTL = 108 Reply from 222.92 . 117.56 : bytes = 32 time = 359ms TTL = 108 Ping statistics for 222.92 . 117.56 : Packets: Sent = 4 , Received = 2 , Lost = 2 ( 50 % loss), Approximate round trip times in milli - seconds: Minimum = 359ms, Maximum = 360ms, Average = 359ms ping的详细介绍可以参考这篇文章
从上述的原理可知,对ping的开发其实就是对ICMP协议的开发。Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) 是网络层的协议,其负责网络主机之间的控制流信息,错误消息,路由信息以及其他数据的传输。关于 ICMP的详细介绍 可以参考这篇文章
[DllImport( " iphlpapi.dll " )] internal static extern IntPtr IcmpCreateFile(); [DllImport( " iphlpapi.dll " )] internal static extern uint IcmpSendEcho2(IntPtr icmpHandle, IntPtr Event, IntPtr apcRoutine, IntPtr apcContext, uint ipAddress, IntPtr data, ushort dataSize, ref IPOptions options, IntPtr replyBuffer, uint replySize, uint timeout); [DllImport( " iphlpapi " )] internal static extern bool IcmpCloseHandle(IntPtr handle); 通过参考Smart Device Framework 1.4源代码,我实现了一个Ping的封装类, Smart Device Framework 1.4可以在下面链接下载
public IcmpEchoReply Send(IPAddress address, int timeout) { if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) { handle = IcmpCreateFile(); } if (replyBuffer == IntPtr.Zero) { replyBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, ( uint ) 0xffff ); } requestBuffer = LocalAlloc(LPTR, ( uint )SendBuffer.Length); Marshal.Copy(SendBuffer, 0 , requestBuffer, SendBuffer.Length); uint ip = BitConverter.ToUInt32(address.GetAddressBytes(), 0 ); IPOptions option = new IPOptions( null as PingOptions); IcmpSendEcho2(handle, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, ip, requestBuffer, ( ushort )SendBuffer.Length, ref option, replyBuffer, 0xffff , ( uint )timeout); if (requestBuffer != IntPtr.Zero) { LocalFree(requestBuffer); requestBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; } return Marshal.PtrToStructure(replyBuffer, typeof (IcmpEchoReply)) as IcmpEchoReply; } 上面是发送ICMP请求的核心代码,代码的逻辑是 先生成一个ICMP句柄,为返回结果包分配内存,对发送包进行赋值。然后发送ICMP请求,并等待回应。当接收到回应时把回应的数据包赋值到IcmpEchoReply结构体里面。回应信息可以通过IcmpEchoReply结构体取出。IcmpEchoReply信息可参考下面的客户端代码。
IcmpEchoReply reply = ping.Send(ip); if (reply.status == ( uint )IPStatus.Success) { IPAddress addr = new IPAddress(reply.address); ShowMessage(String.Format( " Reply from {0}: Echo size={1} time<{2}ms TTL={3} " , addr, reply.dataSize, reply.roundTripTime, reply.ttl)); } else { IPStatus ipStatus = (IPStatus)reply.status; ShowMessage(String.Format( " PING: transmit failed, error code {0}, {1} " , reply.status.ToString(), ipStatus)); } 客户端调用的时候只需要调用Send()方法,然后分析IcmpEchoReply的结果。
IPAddress address = null ; IPAddress[] addressList = null ; try { address = IPAddress.Parse(uri); } catch { try { IPHostEntry entry = Dns.GetHostEntry(uri); addressList = entry.AddressList; } catch (Exception ex) { ShowMessage(String.Format( " Ping request could not find host {0}. Please check the name and try again. {1} " , textBoxAddress.Text, ex.Message)); } } if (address != null ) { ShowMessage(String.Format( " Pinging Host {0} " , uri)); Ping(address); } else { for ( int i = 0 ; i < addressList.Length; ++ i) { ShowMessage(String.Format( " Pinging Host {0} [{1}] " , uri, addressList[i])); Ping(addressList[i]); } } 当用户输入不是IP地址的时候,会对域名进行解释,把该域名的所对应的所有IP解释出来,存放到addressList里面,然后对每个IP进行Ping。
下面为ping www.google.com的例子,对应3个不同的IP。
运行环境:VS2008 + Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK + CF.NET 2.0